
The deadly, life-giving and transient elements that make up group 15 of the periodic table

Your internet data is rotting

Facebook's 'transparency' efforts hide key reasons for showing ads

Hate speech is still easy to find on social media

Don't worry about screen time – focus on how you use technology

Can astronomy explain the biblical Star of Bethlehem?

Time travel is possible – but only if you have an object with infinite mass

How big data has created a big crisis in science

Worry over kids' excessive smartphone use is more justified than ever before

You may not even need a telescope to see Comet 46P/Wirtanen in the night sky this month

A game plan for technology companies to actually help save the world

New findings add twist to screen time limit debate

Colonizing Mars means contaminating Mars – and never knowing for sure if it had its own native...

Experiments with optical tweezers race to test the laws of quantum mechanics

Goodbye Kepler, hello TESS: Passing the baton in the search for distant planets