June 06, 2024

The Trailer That Isn’t a Trailer: An Astonishing Move to Promote an AI App

A fake movie that’s revolutionizing advertising? Discover the strategy of this AI startup that has left us speechless…

The Trailer That Isn’t a Trailer: An Astonishing Move to Promote an AI App

Perplexity AI, a billion-dollar artificial intelligence startup focused on developing a search engine aspiring to compete with Google, has made a bold move by launching its first advertising campaign. During the first game of the NBA Finals, Perplexity stood out by presenting a trailer that, at first glance, could be mistaken for a movie preview… although it’s much more than that.

A Game-Changing Campaign

Imagine watching the most anticipated game of the year and suddenly a movie trailer appears that glues you to the screen. That’s exactly what Perplexity AI did with The Know-It-Alls. The campaign, created by the independent agency Sandwich and directed by Seth Worley, presents us with an action-adventure story featuring a group of slightly crazy inventors who come together to make the world a better place. And the best part is, this trailer isn’t for a real movie… at least, not yet.

A Trailer That Could Become a Movie

Perplexity AI not only wants to surprise us with its ad but also plants seeds in Hollywood. The idea of The Know-It-Alls has caught the attention of film studios already considering developing a movie or series based on this concept. Can you imagine? A commercial that makes the leap to the big screen.

The Strategy Behind the Success

Dmitry Shevelenko, head of business at Perplexity, sums it up perfectly: “If we only take easy shots and don’t attempt three-pointers, we’re not going to win this game.” Perplexity knows that to stand out in the tech world, where they compete with giants like Google, they need to be bold and creative. And they’ve certainly achieved that.

The campaign doesn’t stop at the trailer. It also includes outdoor ads with QR codes that lead directly to Perplexity’s services. All this is to foster curiosity and discovery, key elements in the brand’s DNA.

Beyond the Ad

Perplexity AI is already working on more content that will follow the line of The Know-It-Alls, exploring different genres and characters. The company is also building its advertising business, attracting clients such as the Cleveland Cavaliers, Snowflake, and Universal McCann.

Perplexity AI has shown that with creativity and bravery, it’s possible to capture the public’s attention and make a grand entrance into the market. The Know-It-Alls is not only a spectacular trailer but a showcase of the limitless potential of artificial intelligence in marketing.

So next time you see an ad during a major event, stay alert. You might be witnessing the birth of the next big movie.

With information from: Adweek / DesignRush

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