
In a world of cyber threats, the push for cyber peace is growing

Humanitarian forensic scientists trace the missing, identify the dead and comfort the living

4 reasons why social media election data can misread public opinion

3 ways China benefits from the Hong Kong protests

What's private depends on who you are and where you live

Worker-protection laws aren't ready for an automated future

Hurricane evacuation of nursing home residents still an unsolved challenge

Will the AI jobs revolution bring about human revolt, too?

Why do some people hurt more than others?

Students who plan to seek more education than needed for their career earn more money

What states that don't protect LGBTQ workers from discrimination have in common

Why are people still dying from Legionnaires' disease?

'Christian left' raises its voice in America, appalled by treatment of migrants

A cyberattack could wreak destruction comparable to a nuclear weapon

Too many people think satirical news is real

Preventing infant deaths: The ABCs of safe baby sleep

How much is your data worth to tech companies? Lawmakers want to tell you, but it's not that easy...

Boost in high school students taking advanced computer science could change the face of tech