
Hurricane forecast points to a dangerous 2024 Atlantic season, with La Niña and a persistently...

Francis is the first Jesuit pope – here’s how that has shaped his 10-year papacy

3 ways to prevent school shootings, based on research

Chinese spy balloon over the US: An aerospace expert explains how the balloons work and what they...

Why China’s shrinking population is a big deal – counting the social, economic and political...

Earthquakes caused by industrial activities: what are the risks and how can they be reduced?

Amazon fires: eight ways you can help stop the rainforest burning

You’d be better off lighting your money on fire than giving it to a politician to spend on TV ads

3 ways China benefits from the Hong Kong protests

Worker-protection laws aren't ready for an automated future

Hurricane evacuation of nursing home residents still an unsolved challenge

Why do some people hurt more than others?

Investors, consumers and workers are changing capitalism for the better by demanding companies...

Preventing infant deaths: The ABCs of safe baby sleep

Why do we keep having debates about video-game violence?

Can experts determine who might be a mass killer? 3 questions answered

Conspiracy theories and fear of needles contribute to vaccine hesitancy for many parents

School spankings are banned just about everywhere around the world except in US