Design global, manufacture local: a new industrial revolution?

Heart rate variability – what to know about this biometric most fitness trackers measure

Better sleep for kids starts with better sleep for parents – especially after holiday disruptions...

Why is astronomy a science but astrology is not?

How the James Webb Space Telescope has revealed a surprisingly bright, complex and element-filled...

Stop calling it a choice: Biological factors drive homosexuality

In a world of cyber threats, the push for cyber peace is growing

Blinking lights don't make a better knee brace – fighting cognitive biases in testing orthopedic...

Blood in your veins is not blue – here's why it's always red

Curious Kids: What is the smallest animal ever?

Stem cells could regenerate organs – but only if the body won't reject them

A cyberattack could wreak destruction comparable to a nuclear weapon

What's the right way for scientists to edit human genes? 5 essential reads

How much is your data worth to tech companies? Lawmakers want to tell you, but it's not that easy...

Myth about how science progresses is built on a misreading of the story of penicillin

5 tips for parents to build communication skills with children with autism spectrum disorder

NASCAR may be the fastest way to learn about physics

Boost in high school students taking advanced computer science could change the face of tech